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Super Select

Updated in v4.13.0

An enhanced selection component that enables users to search and select items from a list of options and supports flexible custom content.

The Super Select component provides a way to select among a group of options and can be considered an enhanced version of the Select component. It supports rich content within option items, as well as custom content before and after the option items. The Super Select is built on top of ember-power-select.


When to use

  • When the list of options is large and search is required to help filter the list.
  • When complex, structured content is required to be displayed within the options.

When not to use

  • To display a list of links (or buttons) in a menu, consider the Dropdown component instead.
  • When a simple select is needed for a form, consider the Select form component.
  • As a means to filter an array of objects within a data set; e.g., when presented in a tabular format or list. Instead, consider other filtering patterns.



Selection is limited to a single option item.

Single selection example with list open


Multiple options can be selected.

Multiple selection example with list open

Trigger value states


The trigger is empty by default, indicating that nothing is selected.

Showing an empty trigger, indicating to the user there is no option selected yet

Placeholder text

Placeholder text can be added to the trigger to provide the user additional context. However, this information should not be required for them to carry out a task.

Showing placeholder text inside of the trigger, still indicating no selection is made, but with some additional guidance


When one or more values are selected, the trigger is populated with the selected value(s). One or more values can be pre-selected before user interaction, as needed.

Showing preselected options in both a single and multiple variant. This helps show something has been preselected previously and the user can update their options

Before and after options

The before and after options are areas above and below the list, independent from the list of options. Predefined components (like search) or generic content can occupy these spaces.


BeforeOptions allows for either a search field or generic content to be displayed before the options list.

Currently, the Multiple component includes search within an area of the trigger instead of displaying it in the beforeOptions. This causes a nested interaction which is an accessibility violation. We are in the process of working with the Ember Power Select maintainers to resolve this issue and make it the same as in the Single component.

If enabled, search allows the user to filter results based on a query.

Search enabled before the list in both Single and Multiple components

Generic content

If enabled, generic content will occupy this space.

Generic content enabled before the list in both Single and Multiple components


We recommend against placing heavy UI elements in custom content as it can draw attention away from the list options and will only be visible when the menu is open. Consider placing such content outside the list relative to the trigger for better visibility.

Custom content enabled before the list in both Single and Multiple components


AfterOptions allows for either a standardized footer or generic content to be displayed after the options list. The footer has additional functionality in the Multiple component compared to the Single.

By default, the footer displays below the options list and contains content and/or buttons which provide additional context or functions related to the options.


The footer for the Single component includes a total count, which is customizable to fit the context.

Generic content enabled before the list in both Single and Multiple components


The footer for the Multiple component includes buttons to modify the options and a count of the number of options selected out of the total.

Generic content enabled before the list in both Single and Multiple components

The “Show selected” button displays only the selected options in the list. When toggled, the text changes to “Show all.”

Flow showing the behavior of the show selected button and how it toggles the list to only display selected list items

If “Show selected” is toggled when no options have been selected, a message will appear notifying the user.

Flow showing the behavior of the show selected button when no selections have been made yet.

The “Clear selected” button clears all selections and reverts the Super Select to its default/deselected state. This button is hidden if no options are selected.

Flow showing the behavior of the clear selected button and how it reverts the Super Select's state to the default one

The footer can contain generic content instead of the default content. This is helpful in maintaining the standard appearance of the footer container while allowing for custom usage.

Showing the footer with generic content inside.

Generic content

If enabled, generic content will occupy this space.

Showing the afterOptions slot with generic content



Lists can be positioned to the left or right, as well as above or below the trigger as necessary to fit within the UI. These options are only available when matchTriggerWidth is set to false. This effects the ember component only.

Showing the different list positions (left, right + top and bottom)


By default, the width of the list matches the trigger width.

Showing the list's width matching the trigger's

Auto width

If the list width is set to “auto" it will match the width of the longest list item, which may result in the list being narrower or wider than the trigger width. A max-width can also be defined for the list.

Showing the list's auto width, resizing to the longest list item

ListItem Types

There are four types of ListItems, two of which are component-specific.

  • Checkmark is used in the Single component to indicate a selection has been made.
  • Checkbox is used in the Multiple component to indicate that more than one option can be selected.
  • Title is used to group ListItems together and help visually organize groups.
  • Separator is used to create a visual separation between groups.

Showing the different list types


ListItems can be grouped visually by adding a title and a separator. The last group in the list doesn’t require a separator.

Groups of list items represented in both Single and Multiple components

Required and optional

For complex forms, required fields should be indicated. This is the most explicit and transparent method to ensure users don’t have to make assumptions. Read more about best practices for marking required fields in forms.

Showing required next to the label for the Super Select

For shorter, simpler forms (e.g., login/signup and feedback requests), indicate optional fields instead.

Showing optional next to the label for the Super Select

Error validation

For error validation recommendations, refer to the Form patterns documentation.


For general content recommendations, refer to the Primitives documentation.

Options list

  • Keep option content clear and concise; avoid full sentences.
  • Avoid repeating the same word at the beginning of list options.
  • Order the options in a logical way based on the use case. For example:
    • default or most commonly selected options first
    • alphabetically
    • numerically

How to use this component

Super Select is a custom select-like component aiming to overcome some limitations of the HTML <select> element.

It’s primarily a wrapper for ember-power-select and uses the 8.2.0 version with specific accessibility and styling choices that best fit our design system.

ember-power-select 8.0, and by extension the Super Select component, requires the following line in your application.hbs. Read more about migrating from 7.0 to 8.0.

<BasicDropdownWormhole />

We provide two main components with similar APIs: Form::SuperSelect::Single and Form::SuperSelect::Multiple.

There are two ways to use each of the Super Select component types:

  1. Form::SuperSelect::Single::Base or Form::SuperSelect::Multiple::Base—the base component with just the Super Select control. In these instances, you will need to add your own label, helper text, and error messaging.
  2. Form::SuperSelect::Single::Field or Form::SuperSelect::Multiple::Field—the field parent component which includes the Super Select control, label, helper text, and error messaging (in a wrapping container).

We recommend using the Field variation as it provides built-in accessibility functionality. Use the Base variation for custom layouts or special use cases not otherwise covered.


In cases where the Dropdown or Form Select components are not suitable, use SuperSelect::Single.

  @onChange={{fn (mut this.SELECTED_OPTION)}}
  as |F|
  <F.Label>This is the label</F.Label>


Use SuperSelect::Multiple to allow users to select multiple options.

  @onChange={{fn (mut this.SELECTED_OPTIONS)}}
  as |F|
  <F.Label>This is the label</F.Label>

Pre-selected options

To pre-select an option, declare a value for the selected argument:

N. Virginia (us-east-1)
  @onChange={{fn (mut this.PRE_SELECTED_OPTION)}}
  as |F|


Placeholder text can be added to provide additional context. However, this information should not be necessary for users to complete a task.

Your location
  @onChange={{fn (mut this.PLACEHOLDER_SELECTED_OPTION)}}
  @placeholder="Your location"
  as |F|
  <F.Label>Select your location of residence</F.Label>

Grouped options

To group similar sets of options, pass a nested data structure specifying the groupName and associated options.

If options are implemented as an array of strings and have the same name, they will be treated as the same, so selecting one will select others with the same name. To avoid this, implement your options using objects. (e.g. [{name: "name", label: "label"}, …])

Nested data structure example:

  { groupName: 'Most common', options: ['Kubernetes', 'AWS'] },
  { groupName: 'Others', options: ['CloudWise', 'SWA', 'Other'] },

Component invocation:

  • × Kubernetes
  • × CloudWise
  @onChange={{fn (mut this.SELECTED_GROUPED_OPTIONS)}}
  as |F|
  <F.Label>Grouped options</F.Label>

Rich-content options

Super Select allows you to add HTML tags within options to lay out and structure content vs. Hds::FormSelect which only allows plain text strings as option content.

Rich content with default display in SuperSelect::Single

Small $0.04
2 vCPU | 2 GiB RAM
  @onChange={{fn (mut this.SELECTED_CLUSTER_SIZE_OPTION)}}
  as |F|
    {{#let F.options as |option|}}
      <Hds::Text::Body @size="200">
        <div class="doc-super-select-option-rich-header">

Rich content with default display in SuperSelect::Multiple

By default, all content of selected options displays in the “trigger”. Visually, this looks ok in SuperSelect::Single. However, in SuperSelect::Multiple the selected items are displayed as pill-shaped “tags” so can look quite busy.

  • ×
    Small $0.04
    2 vCPU | 2 GiB RAM
  • ×
    Medium $0.08
    4 vCPU | 4 GiB RAM
  @onChange={{fn (mut this.SELECTED_CLUSTER_SIZE_OPTIONS)}}
  as |F|
    {{#let F.options as |option|}}
      <Hds::Text::Body @size="200">
        <div class="doc-super-select-option-rich-header">

Selected item component

To simplify the content displayed in the selected options, use @selectedItemComponent to specify a custom component with only the content you wish to display.

An example of a custom selectedItemComponent example:


SuperSelect::Multiple invocation with selectedItemComponent specified:

  • × Small
  • × Medium
  @onChange={{fn (mut this.SELECTED_CLUSTER_SIZE_OPTIONS)}}
  @selectedItemComponent={{component "power-select/selected-option-multiple"}}
  as |F|
    {{#let F.options as |option|}}
      <Hds::Text::Body @size="200">
        <div class="doc-super-select-option-rich-header">

SuperSelect::Single invocation with selectedItemComponent specified:

  @onChange={{fn (mut this.SELECTED_CLUSTER_SIZE_OPTION)}}
  @selectedItemComponent={{component "power-select/selected-option-single"}}
  as |F|
    {{#let F.options as |option|}}
      <Hds::Text::Body @size="200">
        <div class="doc-super-select-option-rich-header">

Limiting width

If needed, you can use dropdownMaxWidth to limit the width of the dropdown content. Setting a value for dropdownMaxWidth automatically sets matchTriggerWidth to false meaning that the width of the dropdown content will not necessarily match the list of the toggle or trigger element as it does by default.

API code
<div class="doc-super-select-constrain-width">
    @onChange={{fn (mut this.SELECTED_LONG_OPTION)}}
    @selected="API code"
    as |F|
    <F.Label>Choose one</F.Label>

Helper text

You can add extra information to the field using Helper Text. When helper text is added, the component automatically adds an aria-describedby attribute to the Super Select control, associating it with the automatically generated ID of the helper text element.

The target infrastructure is where you want to deploy your apps.
  @onChange={{fn (mut this.SELECTED_GROUPED_OPTION)}}
  as |F|
  <F.Label>Target infrastructure</F.Label>
  <F.HelperText>The target infrastructure is where you want to deploy your apps.</F.HelperText>

Extra content in label and helper text

If a link is used within a label, helper text, or error text, it will not be presented as a link to the user with a screen reader; only the text content is read out. As such, care should be used when considering this feature. If needing to use a link, include a screen reader-only message that informs the user that some help text includes links, and additional keyboard exploration may be required.

The Label and HelperText contextual components used in the Field component yield their content. This means you can also pass structured content.

For example:

This is an experimental feature (read more).
  @onChange={{fn (mut this.EXTRA_SELECTED_GROUPED_OPTION)}}
  as |F|
  <F.Label>Target infrastructure <Hds::Badge @size="small" @text="Beta" /></F.Label>
  <F.HelperText>This is an experimental feature (<Hds::Link::Inline @href="#">read more</Hds::Link::Inline>).</F.HelperText>

Base components

The Base components are intended for rare cases where the Field components can’t be used and a custom implementation is needed. Most of the details for the Field components also apply to the Base components, but see the Component API for more details.

  • × Oregon (us-west-2)
  • × N. Virginia (us-east-1)
  • × Ireland (eu-west-1)
  @onChange={{fn (mut this.SELECTED_MULTIPLE)}}
  @ariaLabel="Select server preferences"
  as |options|

Component API

Super Select consists of two main components, Form::SuperSelect::Single and Form::SuperSelect::Multiple.

Each of these main components have two different variants with their own APIs:

  • Form::SuperSelect::Single::Base or Form::SuperSelect::Multiple::Base—the base component with just the Super Select control.
  • Form::SuperSelect::Single::Field or Form::SuperSelect::Multiple::Field—the field parent component with the Super Select control, label, helper text, and error messaging (in a wrapping container).

The Single and Multiple base components have nearly identical APIs to the 8.2.0 version of the ember-power-select addon.

While the ember-power-select documentation has the full list of supported options for the base components, we’ve included the most common ones here for your convenience as well as the options for which default values have been overridden.

The default values of some ember-power-select options have been overridden in some cases to either resolve accessibility issues or to customize according to our needs. These options are documented below.


Common options from ember-power-select

options collection
An array of objects to be displayed as options in the dropdown.
placeholder string
Placeholder text to display when no option is selected.
searchEnabled boolean
  • false (default)
Enables a search input field to filter options.
selected any | array
The selected option object. Can be used to set a pre-selected option.
onChange function
The function to be invoked when the user selects or unselects an option.

SuperSelect::Single only options and options with custom values

afterOptionsComponent string/contextual-component
  • component hds/form/super-select/after-options (default)
The component rendered after the list of options. SuperSelect::Single displays a custom afterOptions component containing a results count by default.

Customization options:
• To turn off rendering of the afterOptions component, set showAfterOptions to false.
• To customize the value of the afterOptions component, specify a value for afterOptionsContent
• To replace the default afterOptions component, set the value of afterOptionsComponent to point to your own custom component. (Example: component "path/to/component")
showAfterOptions boolean
  • true (default)
Controls whether the default afterOptions component is displayed or hidden.
afterOptionsContent string
  • resultCountMessage (default)
Sets the content of the default afterOptions component overriding the default content.
closeOnSelect boolean
  • true (default)
Defaults to false instead for SuperSelect::Multiple.
placeholderComponent string or component
  • component (default)
Set to use a custom HDS optionGroup component to provide visual consistency.
dropdownMaxWidth string
any valid CSS width (px, rem, etc)
Sets a max-width for the dropdown containing the options list.

If a value for dropdownMaxWidth is set, matchTriggerWidth is automatically set to false.
matchTriggerWidth boolean
  • true (default)
When enabled, the dropdown width matches the width of the trigger.

If a value for dropdownMaxWidth is set, matchTriggerWidth is automatically set to false.
renderInPlace boolean
Determines whether the dropdown options are rendered in place within the DOM vs. being attached to the root of the HTML <body> and positioned with JavaScript.

Set as true in SuperSelect components to fix a PowerSelect accessibility issue. (The opener element or “trigger” should be next to dropdown content it hides & reveals.)

Note: It cannot be overridden.
searchPlaceholder string
  • Search (default)
Displays placeholder text in the search input when @searchEnabled is set to true.
groupComponent component hds/form/super-select/option-group
Used to create groups of options similarly to the optgroup element used within native HTML select elements. Requires use of the options property (see grouped options example).
This component supports use of ...attributes.


id string
Super Select Single’s ID attribute.

By default, the ID is automatically generated by the component. Use this argument to pass a custom ID.
extraAriaDescribedBy string
Extra ID attribute to add to the aria-describedby HTML attribute.

By default, the aria-describedby attribute is automatically generated by the component, using the IDs of the helper text and errors (if present). Use this argument to pass an extra ID.
isRequired boolean
  • false (default)
Appends a Required indicator next to the label text and sets the required attribute on the control when user input is required.
isOptional boolean
  • false (default)
Appends an Optional indicator next to the label text when user input is optional.
This component supports use of ...attributes.

The attributes will be applied to the ember-power-select addon component which SuperSelect is built on.

Contextual components

Options, Label, HelperText, and Error content are passed to the field as yielded components.

<[F].Options> yielded component
Container that yields its content inside the SuperSelect list.
<[F].Label> yielded component
Container that yields its content inside the <label> element. The content can be a simple string or a more complex/structured string, in which case it inherits the text style. For details about its API, check the Form::Label component.

The for attribute of the label is automatically generated using the controlId value of the control.
<[F].HelperText> yielded component
Container that yields its content inside the “helper text” block. The content can be a simple string or a more complex/structured string, in which case it inherits the text style. For details about its API, check the Form::HelperText component.

The id attribute of the element is automatically generated using the controlId value of the control.
<[F].Error> yielded component
Container that yields its content inside the “error” block. The content can be a simple string or a more complex/structured string, in which case it inherits the text style. For details about its API, check the Form::Error component.

The id attribute of the Error element is automatically generated.
<[E].Message> yielded component
If the error is made of multiple messages, you can iterate over a collection of error messages yielding individual items using Error.Message.


Common options from ember-power-select

options collection
Collection of options to display in the component.
placeholder string
Placeholder text to display when no option is selected.
searchEnabled boolean
  • false (default)
Enables a search input field to filter options.
selected any or array
The selected option object. Can be used to set a pre-selected option.
onChange function
A closure action that is called when the selected option changes.

SuperSelect::Multiple only options and options with custom values

afterOptionsComponent string/contextual-component
  • component hds/form/super-select/after-options (default)
The component rendered after the list of options. SuperSelect::Multiple displays a custom afterOptions component containing “Show selected” button, “Clear selected” button, and a selected total count by default.

Customization options:
• To turn off rendering of the afterOptions component, set showAfterOptions to false.
• To customize the value of the afterOptions component, specify a value for afterOptionsContent
• To replace the default afterOptions component, set the value of afterOptionsComponent to point to your own custom component. (Example: component "path/to/component")
showAfterOptions boolean
  • true (default)
Controls whether the default afterOptions component is displayed or hidden.
afterOptionsContent string
  • resultCountMessage (default)
Sets the content of the default afterOptions component overriding the default content.
resultCountMessage string
Overrides the default result count message. The default message follows this pattern: X selected of Y total.
closeOnSelect boolean
  • false (default)
Defaults to true instead for SuperSelect::Single.
placeholderComponent string or component
  • component (default)
Set to use a custom HDS optionGroup component to provide visual consistency.
dropdownMaxWidth string
any valid CSS width (px, rem, etc)
Sets a max-width for the dropdown containing the options list.

If a value for dropdownMaxWidth is set, matchTriggerWidth is automatically set to false.
matchTriggerWidth boolean
  • true (default)
When enabled, the dropdown width matches the width of the trigger.

If a value for dropdownMaxWidth is set, matchTriggerWidth is automatically set to false.
renderInPlace boolean
Determines whether the dropdown options are rendered in place within the DOM vs. being attached to the root of the HTML <body> and positioned with JavaScript.

Set as true in SuperSelect components to fix a PowerSelect accessibility issue. (The opener element or “trigger” should be next to dropdown content it hides & reveals.)

Note: It cannot be overridden.
searchPlaceholder string
  • Search (default)
Displays placeholder text in the search input when @searchEnabled is set to true.

Note: Currently not active, awaiting update to ember-power-select.
groupComponent component hds/form/super-select/option-group
Used to create groups of options similarly to the optgroup element used within native HTML select elements. Requires use of the options property (see grouped options example).
This component supports use of ...attributes.


id string
Super Select Multiple’s ID attribute.

By default, the ID is automatically generated by the component. Use this argument to pass a custom ID.
extraAriaDescribedBy string
Extra ID attribute to add to the aria-describedby HTML attribute.

By default, the aria-describedby attribute is automatically generated by the component, using the IDs of the helper text and errors (if present). Use this argument to pass an extra ID.
isRequired boolean
  • false (default)
Appends a Required indicator next to the label text and sets the required attribute on the control when user input is required.
isOptional boolean
  • false (default)
Appends an Optional indicator next to the label text when user input is optional.
This component supports use of ...attributes.

The attributes will be applied to the ember-power-select addon component which SuperSelect is built on.

Contextual components

Options, Label, HelperText, and Error content are passed to the field as yielded components.

<[F].Options> yielded component
Container that yields its content inside the SuperSelect list.
<[F].Label> yielded component
Container that yields its content inside the <label> element. The content can be a simple string or a more complex/structured string, in which case it inherits the text style. For details about its API, check the Form::Label component.

The for attribute of the label is automatically generated using the controlId value of the control.
<[F].HelperText> yielded component
Container that yields its content inside the “helper text” block. The content can be a simple string or a more complex/structured string, in which case it inherits the text style. For details about its API, check the Form::HelperText component.

The id attribute of the element is automatically generated using the controlId value of the control.
<[F].Error> yielded component
Container that yields its content inside the “error” block. The content can be a simple string or a more complex/structured string, in which case it inherits the text style. For details about its API, check the Form::Error component.

The id attribute of the Error element is automatically generated.
<[E].Message> yielded component
If the error is made of multiple messages, you can iterate over a collection of error messages yielding individual items using Error.Message.


Anatomy of SuperSelect

Element Usage
Label Required
Indicator Optional
Helper text Optional
Selected option(s) Optional
Control Required
Error message Triggered by system
Before options Optional
List Required
After options Optional


A note on disabled states

Because disabled states completely remove the interactive function of an element, it can be challenging for a user to understand why it has been disabled and/or why they cannot interact with that element. In an effort to avoid this confusion, we opt for using methods like displaying or hiding the element. Read more about when to enable vs hide.


Showing the different states for the SuperSelect trigger



Showing the different states for the SuperSelect list item checkmark variant


Showing the different states for the SuperSelect list item checkbox variant

Conformance rating

Conditionally Conformant

While many improvements have been made to the underlying library for this component, some variations, such as for multiple selection, are still a work in progress and do not currently pass the relevant WCAG Success Criteria. Please take this into consideration when using this component.

Applicable WCAG Success Criteria

This section is for reference only. This component intends to conform to the following WCAG Success Criteria:

  • 1.1.1 Non-text Content (Level A):
    All non-text content that is presented to the user has a text alternative that serves the equivalent purpose.
  • 1.3.1 Info and Relationships (Level A):
    Information, structure, and relationships conveyed through presentation can be programmatically determined or are available in text.
  • 1.3.2 Meaningful Sequence (Level A):
    When the sequence in which content is presented affects its meaning, a correct reading sequence can be programmatically determined.
  • 1.4.1 Use of Color (Level A):
    Color is not used as the only visual means of conveying information, indicating an action, prompting a response, or distinguishing a visual element.
  • 1.4.10 Reflow (Level AA):
    Content can be presented without loss of information or functionality, and without requiring scrolling in two dimensions.
  • 1.4.11 Non-text Contrast (Level AA):
    The visual presentation of the following have a contrast ratio of at least 3:1 against adjacent color(s): user interface components; graphical objects.
  • 1.4.12 Text Spacing (Level AA):
    No loss of content or functionality occurs by setting all of the following and by changing no other style property: line height set to 1.5; spacing following paragraphs set to at least 2x the font size; letter-spacing set at least 0.12x of the font size, word spacing set to at least 0.16 times the font size.
  • 1.4.13 Content on Hover or Focus (Level AA):
    Where receiving and then removing pointer hover or keyboard focus triggers additional content to become visible and then hidden, the following are true: dismissible, hoverable, persistent (see link).
  • 1.4.3 Minimum Contrast (Level AA):
    The visual presentation of text and images of text has a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1
  • 1.4.4 Resize Text (Level AA):
    Except for captions and images of text, text can be resized without assistive technology up to 200 percent without loss of content or functionality.
  • 2.1.1 Keyboard (Level A):
    All functionality of the content is operable through a keyboard interface.
  • 2.1.2 No Keyboard Trap (Level A):
    If keyboard focus can be moved to a component of the page using a keyboard interface, then focus can be moved away from that component using only a keyboard interface.
  • 2.4.3 Focus Order (Level A):
    If a Web page can be navigated sequentially and the navigation sequences affect meaning or operation, focusable components receive focus in an order that preserves meaning and operability.
  • 2.4.4 Link Purpose In Context (Level A):
    The purpose of each link can be determined from the link text alone or from the link text together with its programmatically determined link context, except where the purpose of the link would be ambiguous to users in general.
  • 2.4.7 Focus Visible (Level AA):
    Any keyboard operable user interface has a mode of operation where the keyboard focus indicator is visible.
  • 2.4.11 Focus Not Obscured (Minimum) (Level AA):
    When a user interface component receives keyboard focus, the component is not entirely hidden due to author-created content.
  • 2.5.8 Target Size Minimum (Level AA):
    The size of the target for pointer inputs is at least 24 by 24 CSS pixels, with a few exceptions.
  • 3.2.1 On Focus (Level A):
    When any user interface component receives focus, it does not initiate a change of context.
  • 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value (Level A):
    For all user interface components, the name and role can be programmatically determined; states, properties, and values that can be set by the user can be programmatically set; and notification of changes to these items is available to user agents, including assistive technologies.


If any accessibility issues have been found within this component, let us know by submitting an issue.



Update the the default state of selected list items to Foreground / Primary to match other list items and the Dropdown

Fixed placeholder style and layout in SuperSelect::Multiple

Added @resultCountMessage argument to enable override in SuperSelect::Multiple



Converted the component to TypeScript.
