a11y, inclusive, universal access
activity, pulse, health
alert, circle, error, attention, warning
alert, diamond, error, attention, warning
alert, octagon, error, attention, warning, stop
alert, octagon, error, attention, stop
alert, triangle, error, attention, warning
alibaba, alibaba cloud
align, text, center
align, text, justify
align, text, left
align, text, right
amazon, aws, ecs
amazon, aws, eks, kubenetes
and, or, conditional
api, data, interface
apple, macos, ios
archive, box, inbox
arrow, direction, down
arrow, direction, down, circle
arrow, direction, down, left
arrow, direction, down, right
arrow, direction, left
arrow, direction, left, circle
arrow, direction, right
arrow, direction, right, circle
arrow, direction, up
arrow, direction, up, circle
arrow, direction, up, left
arrow, direction, up, right
at, @, email, handle
apply, auto
award, medal, badge, achievement
amazon, aws, amazon web services
amazon, aws, amazon web services,cdk
amazon, aws, cloudwatch
amazon, aws, ec2
amazon, aws, lambda
amazon, aws, s3
azure, microsoft
azure, microsoft, aks
microsoft, azure, blob, storage
azure, microsoft, vms
vault, secure, safe, secret
chart, graph, usage, signal, bars
chart, graph, usage, bars
battery, empty, charge
battery, charging
beaker, lab, experiment, science, test
bell, notification, notify, ring, alert
bell, notification, notify, ring, alert, off, disabled
bitbucket, atlassian
bookmark, save
bookmark, add, save
bookmark, bookmarked, saved
bookmark, minus, remove
bottom, scroll, down
box, package, cube, object
briefcase, job, work, office, bag
bucket, bin, container
bug, issue, security, malware, vulnerability
build, wrench, tool
bulb, light, idea, smart, insight, on
calendar, date, appointment, event, schedule, day, month
camera, photo
camera, photo, off, disabled
caret, open, dropdown, double arrow, chevron
cast, stream
certificate, award, achievement, badge
change, modified
change, modified, circle
change, modified, square
channel, path
check, tick, success, complete, done, test, accept, approve
check, tick, success, circle, complete, done, test, accept, approve
check, tick, success, diamond, complete, done, test, accept, approve
check, tick, success, checkbox, square, complete, done, test, accept, approve
check, tick, success, checkbox, square, checked, complete, done, test, accept, approve
chevron, down, arrow, direction
chevron, left, previous, back, arrow, direction
chevron, right, next, forward, arrow, direction
chevron, up, arrow, direction
chevrons, down, arrow, direction
chevrons, left, previous, back, arrow, direction
chevrons, right, next, forward, arrow, direction
chevrons, up, arrow, direction
circle, ring, arrow, direction, round
circle, dot, round
circle, dot, half, progress, round
clipboard, copy, paste, content
clipboard, copy, copied, success, paste, content
clipboard, copy, snippet, paste, content
clipboard, copy, copied, error, paste, content
clock, time, activity, hour
cc, closed-caption
cloud, data, storage
cloud, check, success, data, storage
cloud, download, sync, data, storage
cloud, lightning, data, storage
cloud, lock, secure, data, storage, protected
cloud, off, disabled, data, storage
cloud, upload, sync, data, storage
cloud, fail, delete, data, storage
code, snippet, software, application, development
collections, books, projects, resources
command, cmd, shortcut
compass, navigate, browser, map
confluence, atlassian, document
git, vcs, commit, link, network
corner, arrow, down, left
corner, arrow, down, right
corner, arrow, up, left
corner, arrow, up, right
cpu, memory, chip, computer
credit, card, billing, business, money, payment
crop, edit
crosshair, target
grid, dashboard, overview, layout
database, data,, information, computing
delay, time, clock, queue
delete, backspace
diamond, test
digital, ocean
disc, cd
discussion, comment, conversation, bubble, chat, communication
book, docs, learn
book, docs, learn, download
book, docs, learn, link, arrow, external
dollar, money, variable, payment
circle, dot, bullet
circle, dot, bullet, half, progress
download, file, export, save
drop, water
duplicate, copy, clone, multiply
edit, pencil, draw, writing
elastic, observability, provider, cloud
enterprise, business, company, organization, org, global, world
arrow, circle, enter, entry, service, start
event, calendar, date
arrow, circle, exit, end, service
link, external, go
eye, view
eye, view, off, disabled
fastforward, forward, skip
file, document, format, paper
file, document, change, modified, format, paper
file, document, success, check, format, paper
file, document, diff, change, format, paper
file, document, remove, minus, format, paper
file, document, create, add, plus, format, paper
file, document, source, code, format, paper
file, document, text, format, paper, project
file, document, deleted, removed, format, paper
files, documents, group, hosts, format, paper
film, movie, video
filter, options, configuration
filter, circle, inactive, off, options, configuration
filter, circle, active, on, options, configuration
flag, mark
folder, directory, project, document, file
folder, directory, project, minus, remove, document, file
folder, directory, project, plus, add, create, document, file
folder, directory, starred, favorite, pinned, document, file
folder, directory, project, group, users, document, file
emoji, frown, negative, sad, face
gateway, entrance, tunnel
google, gcp, google cloud platform
gift, present, new
git, vcs, branch
git, vcs, commit
git, vcs, merge
git, vcs, pull, request, pr
git, vcs, repository
globe, world, global
globe, world, global, private, secure, encrypted, protected
kubernetes, k8s
google, docs
google, drive
google, forms
google, sheets
google, slides
government, public, sector, organization, building
grid, format, view, group, layout
book, library, catalogue, guide
book, library, catalogue, guide, link, arrow, external
hammer, build, tool
hands, handshake, partners
hard, drive, disk, storage
hash, pound, tag
hashicorp, logo, brand
hcp, cloud, portal
headphones, music, sound
heart, like, love, favorite
heart, liked, loved, favorited
heart, like, love, favorite, disabled, off
help, question, support, information, unknown
clock, time, history, schedule
home, house
hourglass, time
identity, id, service, globe
identity, id, user
image, photo, picture, media
inbox, tray
info, tip, about
jira, atlassian, tasks, tickets
jump, go, link, skip
json web tokens, jwt
key, secure, secret
key, value, store, kv
keys, keychain
labyrinth, maze
layers, stack
layout, app, window
learn, education, college, school
learn, education, college, school, go, link, external
chart, graph, trend, data
chart, graph, trend, up, data
link, url
linkedin, microsoft
linux, os
list, format, view, group
load, balancer, arrows
loading, loader, spinner, animated
loading, loader, spinner, static
lock, secure, security, protection
lock, secure, locked, secured, protected
lock, secure, off, disabled, protected
logs, events, list
mail, email, message, communication
mail, email, message, opened, communication
mainframe, server
map, navigate, plan, location
map, pin, location
maximize, zoom
emoji, meh, neutral
menu, hamburger, navigation, list
mesh, network
message, chat, conversation
message, chat, text, conversation
microphone, voice, speak
microphone, off, disabled, voice
microsoft, ms, windows
microsoft, teams
migrate, migration
minimize, collapse, close
minus, remove, delete
minus, remove, delete, circle
minus, remove, delete, plus, add, create, change, modify
minus, remove, delete, plus, add, create, change, modify, circle
minus, remove, delete, plus, add, create, change, modify, square
minus, remove, delete, square
monitor, display, screen, desktop, computer
moon, night, dark
more, ellipsis
more, actions
mouse, pointer, cursor
move, cursor
music, audio, sound
navigation, location
network, lan, connected
network, lan, connection, ethernet, port
new relic, provider, cloud
newspaper, blog, media
node, element, point
octagon, stop
opa, open, policy, agent
oracle, oracle cloud
organization, team, group, company, global
outline, document
pack, buildpack, cloud, native
package, dependency, box, build
paperclip, clip, attachment
path, connection, network
pause, circle
pen, vector, tool
edit, pencil, tool
phone, telephone, communication, conversation
phone, telephone, off, disabled, communication, conversation
chart, pie, graph, data
pin, pinned
play, start, run
play, start, run, circle
plug, plugin
plus, add, create, new
plus, add, create, new, circle
plus, add, create, new, square
power, on, off
provider, service
radio, sound, signal
random, dice, chance
redirect, arrow
reload, restart, refresh
repeat, redo, process, loop
replication, duplication
rewind, back, previous
service, principal, computer, user
rocket, launch
rss, feed
running, run, animated
running, run, syncing, sync, static
save, disk
scissors, cut
search, find, magnifier
send, message
server, data
server, data, cluster, network
serverless, off, disabled, data
settings, preferences, gear, cog, configuration
shield, secure, protect, privacy
shield, secure, protect, issue, alert, privacy
shield, secure, protect, check, success, privacy
shield, secure, protect, off, disabled, privacy
shield, secure, protect, error, privacy
shopping, store, basket
shopping, store, basket, cart
shuffle, random
layout, sidebar, navigation
layout, sidebar, hide, collapse, navigation
layout, sidebar, show, expand, navigation
login, signin, enter, access
logout, signout, leave, exit, access
skip, deny
skip, previous, back
skip, forward, next
slack, salesforce
slash, square
sliders, options, preferences, customize, options
phone, device, mobile
emoji, smile, positive, happy
socket, port
sort, ascending, up
sort, descending, down
ai, sparkle, stars
speaker, sound
square, rectangle, box, stop
star, favorite
star, favorite, ring, circle
star, favorite, starred, favorited
star, favorite, off, disabled
step, pipeline
stop, circle, end
sun, day, light, bright
lifebuoy, help, support, question, service, information, assistance
swap, switch, horizontal, arrows, sctm
swap, switch, vertical, arrows
switcher, launcher, apps
refresh, syncing
refresh, syncing, issue, alert
refresh, syncing, reverse
tablet, device, mobile
tag, label, category
terminal, code, cli, programming
terminal, code, cli, interactive, programming
test, check, delay, waiting
thumbs, down, vote, dislike
thumbs, up, vote, like
toggle, switch
tools, toolbox
top, scroll, up
crypto, path, encrypt, transform
trash, bin, delete
trend, down, negative
trend, up, positive
truck, lorry, vehicle, transport, ship
tv, video, watch
twitter, x
type, font, text
fold, close, collapse
unfold, open, expand
lock, unlock, unlocked, unsecure
upload, data, file, import
user, person, profile
user, person, check, success, profile
user, person, avatar, circle, profile
user, person, minus, remove, profile
user, person, plus, new, create, add, profile
user, person, delete, remove, profile
users, people, team, group, profile
vault, hcp vault, radar
vault secrets, hcp vault secrets
vault, hcp vault, secrets
venafi, identity
verified, badge, authenticated
video, off, disabled
vmware, vmware cloud
volume, low, muted, sound, audio, speaker
volume, up, high, loud, sound, audio, speaker
volume, down, low, quiet, sound, audio, speaker
volume, off, disabled, muted, sound, audio, speaker
wall, firewall, barrier
wand, magic, enhance, insights
watch, time
webhook, hook
wifi, internet
wifi, internet, off, disabled
wrench, tool, adjust, build
cross, delete, remove, cancel
cross, delete, remove, cancel, circle
check, tick, success, diamond
cross, delete, remove, cancel, square
youtube, google
zap, power, run, automate
zap, power, run, automate, off, disabled
zoom, in, maximize
zoom, out, minimize
Documentation for the Hds::Icon Ember component
How to use the icons in Ember applications
How to use the icons in React applications
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