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Release notes

npm package: @hashicorp/design-system-components npm version


4.17.1 documentation

Minor changes

Tag - Truncated any text that is longer than about 20 characters, and added a tooltip with the full text when truncation occurs

Tag - Added @tooltipPlacement argument

MaskedInput - Added support for externally controlled content masking

Badge - Updated foreground and background colors to improve contrast for a11y

BadgeCount - Updated foreground color of neutral variant to improve contrast for a11y

CodeBlock - Added @copyButtonText argument to CodeBlock and @text argument to the CodeBlock::CopyButton subcomponent to customize the aria-label of the Copy Button. The default label is still "Copy".

CodeEditor - Added @copyButtonText argument to customize the aria-label of the Copy Button. The default label is still "Copy".

hds-code-editor modifier - Added language syntax highlighting support for JavaScript and Rego

CodeEditor - Added language syntax highlighting support for JavaScript and Rego

Dependencies - added @codemirror/lang-javascript

Time - Updated visual style to display a dotted underline when the hasTooltip argument is true

RichTooltip - Fixed Safari bug causing the dotted underline style not to display

hds-code-editor modifier - Added hasLineWrapping named argument that sets line wrapping behavior within the code editor.

CodeEditor - Added @hasLineWrapping argument that is passed to the hds-code-editor modifier

Patch changes

Time - Fixed type declarations

CodeEditor - Added missing @lezer/highlight dependency

hds-tooltip - Changed structure of tooltip content to add a wrapper that is always in the DOM and set aria-controls on trigger elements for a11y improvements with toggled content

Tooltip - Changed structure of tooltip content to add a wrapper that is always in the DOM and set aria-controls on button for a11y improvements with toggled content

CopyButton - Fixed issue preventing copying of empty string and zero number values

CopySnippet - Fixed issue preventing copying of empty string and zero number values

CodeEditor - Fixed import path for HdsCodeEditorModifierSignature

Swapped unmaintained ember-composable-helpers with @nullvoxpopuli/ember-composable-helpers

Migrated our tooling from yarn to pnpm and updated our JavaScript compiler configuration

Updated decorator-transforms from 1.2.1 to 2.3.0

AdvancedTable - Refactored keyboard navigation to a new modifier hds-advanced-table-cell for reusability, and disabled default behavior for arrow keys in focused cells.

Table - Removed unused updateAriaLabel function and event listener

Tooltip - Removed style import from Tippy.js, copied arrow positioning styles into component styles


4.16.0 documentation

Minor changes

Table - Updated the visual design of Table cells by adding borders, making them more distinguishable when spanning rows or columns.

Added global tokens for border radius

CodeEditor - Added new CodeMirror 6 supported code editor component

hds-code-editor modifier - Added new code editor modifier which converts the element it is applied to into a CodeMirror 6 code editor

SuperSelect - Added searchFieldPosition="before-options" to fix a11y issue in Multiple component

AdvancedTable - Added AdvancedTable component and related sub-components

Add tabbable as a dependency.

Patch changes

Upgraded the following dependencies:

  • @ember/render-modifiers from 2.0.5 to 2.1.0
  • @ember/addon-shim from 1.8.7 to 1.9.0
  • clipboard-polyfill from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1
  • decorator-transforms from 1.1.0 to 1.2.1
  • ember-a11y-refocus from 4.1.3 to 4.1.4
  • ember-element-helper from 0.8.5 to 0.8.6
  • ember-focus-trap from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1
  • ember-modifier from 4.1.0 to 4.2.0
  • ember-power-select from 8.2.0 to 8.6.2
  • sass from 1.69.5 to 1.83.0

Table - Fixed the aria-labels for select row and select all checkboxes so they do not change based on the state of the checkbox.

Breadcrumb - Implemented aria-controls in Breadcrumb::Truncation for a11y improvements with toggled content from PopoverPrimitive

Dropdown - Implemented aria-controls in Dropdown::Toggle::Button for a11y improvements with toggled content from PopoverPrimitive

PopoverPrimitive - Implemented aria-controls in toggle element for a11y improvements with toggled content

RichTooltip - Removed explicitly setting aria-controls in RichTooltip::Toggle as it is now set through the PopoverPrimitive

Tabs - Implement aria-controls in tab for a11y improvements with toggled content

Shifted our supported version of Node.js from 16* || >= 18 to >=18

Dropdown - Fixed z-index bug which caused the focus ring of the toggle icon to not be visible when the component was nested in a container.

🔄 Updated dependencies:

  • @hashicorp/design-system-tokens@2.3.0
  • @hashicorp/flight-icons@3.9.0


4.15.0 documentation

Minor changes

Time - Added Time component, Time service, and related libraries (luxon 2.x or 3.x and ember-concurrency)

Table - Exposed the index of the @each loop over the @model as rowIndex

Patch changes

Dropdown - Fixed an issue with the ToggleIcon to make the focus ring visible on mouse click

PageHeader - Fixed issue with extra space below title when no metadata is present

Alert - Removed default color applied to the hds-alert__text container (text color is applied via @color argument)

Dropdown - Fixed ResizeObserver-related errors in tests RichTooltip - Fixed ResizeObserver-related errors in tests

Upgraded @floating-ui/dom to 1.6.12

Fixed deprecated Sass syntax (map-get replaced with map.get and @import with @use)

IconTile - Updated visual design of IconTile to make it distinguishable from secondary IconButton.

Aligned private properties of the HDS modifiers to follow a standardized notation

  • hds-anchored-position
  • hds-register-event
  • hds-tooltip

Aligned private class properties to follow a standardized notation

  • Accordion
  • Alert
  • AppHeader
  • AppSideNav
  • CodeBlock
  • Copy::Button
  • Copy::Snippet
  • DisclosurePrimitive
  • Dropdown
  • Flyout
  • Form::SuperSelect
  • Form::TextInput
  • Icon
  • Modal
  • Pagination::Compact
  • Pagination::Numbered
  • PopoverPrimitive
  • Reveal
  • Table
  • Tabs

🔄 Updated dependencies:

  • @hashicorp/design-system-tokens@2.2.2
  • @hashicorp/flight-icons@3.8.0


4.14.0 documentation

Minor changes

Dropdown - Added @matchToggleWidth argument

hds-clipboard - Added clipboard-polyfill to support product usage in non-secure environments; this impacts Copy::Button, Copy::Snippet, CodeBlock, and MaskedInput

Patch changes

SideNav - Made a11y related improvements including:

  • Changed List::Title to h3 & added visually hidden h2 to AppSideNav
  • Replaced aria-label for ToggleButton with aria-labelledby and aria-expanded

Fixed instances where arguments are passed into tracked properties at declaration:

  • MaskedInput
  • TextInput
  • Pagination::Compact
  • Pagination::Numbered
  • SideNav
  • Table
  • Table::ThSelectable
  • Tabs

SideNav - Fixed bug with hidden panels sometimes causing unnecessary overflow scrolling

Dropdown - Fixed the height of the chevron in ToggleButton


Patch changes


  • Fixed error in Description and Body subcomponents, caused by not passing the args argument from the constructor to super


  • Fixed error in Body subcomponent, caused by not passing the args argument from the constructor to super

Export TypeScript signatures for all components and modifiers

Alert - Removed role="alert" and aria-live="polite" attributes from Alerts with color set to "neutral" or "highlight"


4.13.0 documentation

Minor changes

Modal - Added @returnFocusTo argument to control where the browser focus is returned once the modal is closed

Flyout - Added @returnFocusTo argument to control where the browser focus is returned once the flyout is closed

CodeBlock - Added @lineNumberStart option to set custom starting number for line numbering

SuperSelect::Multiple - Added @resultCountMessage argument to enable override

Patch changes


  • Fixed content being preserved in the DOM when closed
  • Removed the @isOpen yielded argument
  • Added @preserveContentInDom to optionally control rendering of the content

Modal - Fixed isDismissDisabled functionality Flyout - Removed isDismissDisabled from signature (not an actual argument)

SuperSelect - Update the the default state of selected list items to Foreground / Primary to match other list items and the Dropdown.

SuperSelect::Multiple - Fixed placeholder style and layout

Dropdown - Update the color of the text and icons in the selected state checkmark list item to match the styling of the ListItems (Radio and Checkbox).

CodeBlock - Decoupled the display of line numbers from highlightLines

Dropdown - Fixed dropdown content not being preserved when interacted with

Upgraded ember-style-modifier to 4.4.0

🔄 Updated dependencies:

  • @hashicorp/flight-icons@3.7.0


4.12.0 documentation

Minor changes

Dropdown - Made the isOpen state available in the yielded block

Patch changes

IconTile - Fixed @color argument type signature

Interactive - Aligned types with LinkTo

DialogPrimitive - Fixed issue with box-sizing inheritance

Modal/Flyout - Updated box-sizing inheritance via DialogPrimitive fix

Upgraded eslint-plugin-ember to 12.2.0

AppFooter, AppFrame, SideNav - refactored subcomponents to use TemplateOnlyComponent instead of empty classes.


  • Fixed selected border colors to match Figma and interactive states.
  • Updated icon, label, and description colors to use disabled-foreground when the RadioCard is disabled.

MaskedInput - Changed textarea scrollbar-width to "thin" to reduce overlap with toggle button.

CodeBlock - Changed textarea scrollbar-width to "thin" to reduce overlap with copy button.

Removed ember-keyboard dependency

Tabs - Fixed signatures for subcomponents

Table - Fixed signatures for subcomponents

BadgeCount - updated the type of the text argument to allow numbers

TooltipButton - made the default value for the placement argument 'top' and fixed the type definition

TooltipButton - made the extraTippyOptions argument optional and allowed to be a partial object

DialogPrimitive - added a guard so the yielded close function is always defined

Hds::SideNav - Fixed a couple of bugs where SideNav would remain inert when no longer minimized (or would not be inert when minimized)

Button - aligned type names to convention

Fixed issue with icon sprite not initiated


4.11.0 documentation

Minor changes


  • Added @selectableColumnKey argument which enables sorting by row selection state and specifies the corresponding selection state key.


  • Added @selectableColumnKey argument which enables sorting by row selection state and specifies the corresponding selection state key.
  • Added @sortBySelectedOrder argument which determines the state of the sort button in the selected item column.
  • Added @onClickSortBySelected argument which is the callback for the sort button in the selected item column.


  • Added @onClickSortBySelected argument which is the callback for the sort button in the selected item column.
  • Added @sortBySelectedOrder argument which determines the state of the sort button in the selected item column.

Patch changes

SideNav: remove usage of Ember.testing because it is deprecated.

CopyButton - Updated icon colors to match interactive states of the component.

CopySnippet - Prevent the color from adhering to interactive states when status is success or error.

Stepper - Updated to use semantic token over palette token in Stepper::Indicator::Step.

Dropdown, RadioCard, SuperSelect, Stepper, Table - Fixed optional arguments in signatures

Dropdown::Toggle::Chevron - fix subcomponent signature

hds-clipboard modifier - extend error when copy action fails

Hds::Pagination::Compact & Hds::Pagination::Numbered

  • Added assertion and more strict typing to ensure that a routing argument (@model, @models, or @route) are present when using @onPageChange to control routing.

🔄 Updated dependencies:

  • @hashicorp/flight-icons@3.6.0


4.10.0 documentation

Minor changes

SuperSelect - Converted components to TypeScript

SideNav - Added a default value of "#hds-main" for a11yRefocusSkipTo AppHeader - Changed default value of a11yRefocusSkipTo from "#main" to "#hds-main" AppFrame::Main - Added id with default value of "hds-main" which a11yRefocusSkipTo points to

simplify components reexports and add types reexports

  • update HdsCard reexport to reflect correct component name HdsCardContainer


  • Hide the closed menu content in mobile view using CSS instead of conditionally rendering/not rendering the menu content.
  • Add NavigationNarrator with associated arguments to provide a "skip link".

Accordion: Added @titleTag argument

Alert: Added @tag argument to [A].Title

ApplicationState: Updated the @titleTag argument to only accept "div" | "h1" | "h2" | "h3" | "h4" | "h5" | "h6"

CodeBlock: Added @tag argument to [CB].Title

DialogPrimitive: Added @titleTag argument to DialogPrimitive::Header

Hds::Pagination - Converted component to Typescript

Hds::SideNav::Header::IconButton - Deprecate the component. Use the Hds::Button component with isIconOnly set to true as a replacement.


  • Adds a yielded block.
  • Yields the Hds::Badge component.
  • Deprecates the @text argument.

New codemod: v4/dropdown-list-item-interactive

  • Converts Dropdown::ListItem::Interactive @text arguments to content within a yielded block.

Flyout: Changed the HTML element wrapping the tagline and title from a <div> to a <h1>

Modal: Changed the HTML element wrapping the tagline and title from a <div> to a <h1>

Dropdown - added @enableCollisionDetection and @isOpen arguments

Dropdown, Breadcrumb::Truncation - replaced MenuPrimitive with PopoverPrimitive

MenuPrimitive - marked as deprecated and will be removed in the next major version


  • Modified sticky/fixed position to turn off when viewport height is under 480px in height
  • Refactored styles to make AppFrame responsible for sticky/fixed layout of SideNav and AppHeader


  • Styled inoperable actions as disabled (which occurs when the SideNav is expanded in mobile view)


  • Removed the withAppHeader option as it is no longer needed.

Table - Converted component and sub-components to TypeScript

Patch changes

DismissButton, RadioCard::Group, RichTooltip::Toggle - Type safety fixes

SideNav & AppHeader - Fixed styling issue to prevent Button and Dropdown nested within another Dropdown from inheriting dark theme.

AppHeader - Fixed issue with mobile menu to prevent tabbing to hidden content and hiding it from assistive technology when closed.

Breadcrumb: fix background hover color for Breadcrumb::Truncation

Update ember-a11y-refocus to 4.1.3

Accordion: changed the default name of the Accordion item toggles. Now, they are labelled by the content in the Accordion title.

BadgeCount: updated the color tokens to use palette tokens.

Badge: update the color tokens to use palette tokens.

Stepper::Indicator::Task: Updated palette tokens to use semantic tokens.

Migrated all internal instances of FlightIcon to Hds::Icon

🔄 Updated dependencies:

  • @hashicorp/design-system-tokens@2.2.1


4.9.0 documentation

Minor changes

Icon - Added component:

Hds::Icon is meant to replace usage of the FlightIcon component from ember-flight-icons.

  • Displays block by default. (FlightIcon displays inline-block by default)
  • Exposes a set of predefined "foreground" colors via the @color argument

CodeBlock: Converted component to TypeScript

TooltipButton: Converted component to TypeScript


4.8.0 documentation

Minor changes

AppHeader - Added new component.

SideNav - Added new withAppHeader option.

Dropdown - Converted component to TypeScript

MenuPrimitive - Converted component to TypeScript

TooltipModifier - Converted modifier to TypeScript

Breadcrumb - Converted component to TypeScript


  • Spacing and alignment updates
  • New @align (left (default), center) argument for aligning content
  • Added new yielded Media child component


  • The header now supports an optional @titleTag argument that can override the default title element (div)


  • The footer now yields Button and Dropdown components as well as LinkStandalone
  • The visual separator has been removed to modernize the component’s visual look

SegmentedGroup - Converted component to TypeScript

Patch changes

Add explicit ember-get-config dependency for use in the icon sprite initializer

🔄 Updated dependencies:

  • @hashicorp/design-system-tokens@2.2.0


4.7.0 documentation

Minor changes

FileInput, MaskedInput, Select, TextInput, Textarea - Converted to TypeScript

Loads the hds-icon sprite in the components package, and ensures it is only loaded once.

Form::TextInput - added support for "month", "week", and "tel" input types

DialogPrimitive - Added set of utility "dialog" sub-components to act as primitives for Modal and Flyout (and to be used as standalone subcomponents if needed)

Modal - Replaced internal subcomponents to use the DialogPrimitive components.

Flyout - Replaced internal subcomponents to use the DialogPrimitive components.

Modal: Converted component to TypeScript

Converted form primitives to TypeScript

Checkbox, Radio, RadioCard, Toggle - Converted components to TypeScript

Flyout: Converted component to TypeScript

DialogPrimitive - Converted component to TypeScript

Patch changes

Badge: updated @text argument type to include numbers.

🔄 Updated dependencies:

  • @hashicorp/flight-icons@3.5.0
  • @hashicorp/ember-flight-icons@5.1.3


4.6.0 documentation

Minor changes

PopoverPrimitive - Converted to TypeScript

hds-register-event (internal modifier) - Converted to TypeScript

hds-anchored-position (internal modifier) - Converted to TypeScript

RichTooltip - Converted to TypeScript

Accordion - added @forceState, @onClickToggle arguments Accordion - added close function to <:content>

Accordion - added @size, @type, and @isStatic arguments. While previously equivalent to large the default Accordion size is now medium; use @size="large" to maintain the original appearance.

Patch changes

Removed popover-polyfill dependency and instantiating code


Patch changes

🔄 Updated dependencies:

  • @hashicorp/ember-flight-icons@5.1.2


🚨 Caution: This version has been deprecated 🚨

Patch changes

🔄 Updated dependencies:

  • @hashicorp/ember-flight-icons@5.1.1


🚨 Caution: This version has been deprecated 🚨

Patch changes

Fixed syncing of <F.Error /> ids to the aria-describedby attribute


🚨 Caution: This version has been deprecated 🚨

4.5.0 documentation

Minor changes

SideNav - Adds option to exclude query params from route transition/focus management

Tabs - Converted component to TypeScript

ApplicationState - Converted component to TypeScript

PageHeader - Converted component to TypeScript

SideNav - Converted component to TypeScript

Patch changes

Alert - Fixed typo in HdsAlertTypes

Dropdown::Toggle::Icon - Fixed inconsistencies with Button including:

  • Added missing text color
  • Reduced icon sizes

🔄 Updated dependencies:

  • @hashicorp/ember-flight-icons@5.1.0


Patch changes

🔄 Updated dependencies:

  • @hashicorp/ember-flight-icons@5.0.3


4.4.0 documentation

Minor changes

Added re-export entries for TypeScript components

CopyButton - Converted component to TypeScript

CopySnippet - Converted component to TypeScript

hds-clipboard - Converted modifier to TypeScript

Patch changes

Template Registry - Removed redundant entries

Fix missing TypeScript declaration

Hds::BadgeCount - Fixed typo in template registry declaration


4.3.0 documentation

Minor changes

Added hds-register-event modifier (for internal use)

Published type declarations

Tag - Converted component to TypeScript

IconTile - Converted component to TypeScript

SuperSelect - added components for single and multiple selection based on PowerSelect

BadgeCount - Converted component to TypeScript

DisclosurePrimitive - Converted component to TypeScript

Added hds-anchored-position modifier (for internal use)

AppFooter - Converted component to TypeScript

Stepper::Step::Indicator - Converted to TypeScript Stepper::Task::Indicator - Converted to TypeScript

Badge - Converted component to TypeScript

Accordion - Converted component to TypeScript

Dropdown - Added support for trailing icon in ListItem::Interactive subcomponent

PopoverPrimitive - Added low-level (internal) headless component to provide anchoring, collision detection, and popover functionalities.

RichTooltip - Added component to provide tooltips that can contain more complex and structured content.

AppFrame - converted component to TypeScript

Toast - Converted component to TypeScript

Reveal - Converted component to TypeScript

ButtonSet - Converted component to TypeScript

Separator - Converted component to TypeScript

Patch changes

Alert::Description - Fixed typo in template-registry.ts file declaration

Dropdown::ListItem::Checkmark - Fixed issue with leading icon spacing

Tooltip - Fixed max-width applied to the "bubble" (it was 304px, now is 280px per design specs)

Alert, Badge, BadgeCount, Button, Card::Container, DisclosurePrimitive, DismissButton, IconTile, Interactive, Link::Inline, Link::Standalone, Tag, Text - Standardized class names and signatures

CodeBlock - Re-mapped class-name variable to color-blue

Fixed default export warnings by preventing types.js files from being reexported

Tabs - Fixed issue with z-index of the active tab "indicator"

🔄 Updated dependencies:

  • @hashicorp/ember-flight-icons@5.0.2

Read the full changelog

npm package: @hashicorp/design-system-tokens npm version


Minor changes

Added global tokens for border radius


Patch changes

Upgraded style-dictionary to 4.2.0


Patch changes

Updated design tokens for Vagrant primary gradient to match Figma.


Minor changes

AppHeader - Added design tokens:

  • --token-app-header-height
  • --token-app-header-home-link-size
  • --token-app-header-logo-size


Minor changes

Added new pipeline to Style Dictionary for cloud-email - email/sass-variables to be used in email templating


Major changes

New tokens added for large and medium size Tab variants. The "medium" tokens replace the former equivalent tokens which were not differentiated by size.

  • --token-tabs-tab-height-medium (Replaces --token-tabs-tab-height)
  • --token-tabs-tab-height-large (New)
  • --token-tabs-tab-padding-horizontal-medium (Replaces --token-tabs-tab-padding-horizontal)
  • --token-tabs-tab-padding-horizontal-large (New)


Minor changes

Updated vault, vault-secrets, and vault-radar brand color values

Added design token for terraform-brand-on-dark color


Minor changes

Added color tokens for “Vault Radar” product


Minor changes

Added design tokens for SideNav with @isCollapsible (to control if users can collapse the sidenav on 'desktop' viewports) and @isMinimized (to control the default state on 'desktop' viewports) arguments


Minor changes

Added color tokens for “Vault Secrets” product


Minor changes

Added JSON output format for marketing target (and in the process refactored internal logic for tokens generation)


Minor changes

Added design token for loading state icon on search input


Minor changes

  • Added new TooltipButton component and hds-tooltip modifier
  • Added design tokens for Tooltip


Patch changes

Added design tokens for SideNav component


Patch changes

  • Scoped group layout styles to nested child components.
  • Fixed bug with --token-pagination-child-spacing-vertical value so that it adds "px" unit.


Minor changes

Added design tokens for Pagination component


Patch changes

Updated design system name to "Helios"


Minor changes

Added design tokens for indeterminate Checkbox


Minor changes

Patch changes


Minor changes

Read the full changelog

npm package: @hashicorp/flight-icons npm version


Minor changes

confluence and confluence-color icons added.


Minor changes

Postgres service icon added.


Minor changes

Confluent icon added

Updated okta and okta-color to reflect updated branding.


Minor changes

bucket icon added.


Minor changes

mongodb and twilio icons have been added.


Minor changes

service-now and pager-duty icons added.

Patch changes

search icon (16px only) has been increased in size to better fit within the bounding box and more closely align with other icons of the same size


Minor changes

vagrant, vagrant-color, vagrant-fill, vagrant-fill-color, vagrant-square, vagrant-square-color icons were updated per brand changes.


Minor changes

Added two icon logos: minio and git.

sparkle icon added


Minor changes

Reorganized the icons within the "Core" icon set into 16 more descriptive categories.

Patch changes

Added "category" to the icons' metadata in the catalog.json file.


Major changes

vagrant, vault-radar, and vault-secrets icons have been updated. Also added boxed versions of all product logos.


Minor changes

vault-radar icons added. vault-secrets icons updated per Brand guidance.


Minor changes

rabbitmq, openid, jwt, meetup, and transform-data icons added.


Minor changes

accessibility, channel, minus-circle-fill, plus-circle-fill icons added. Fixed the size and position of the plus-circle icon.


Minor changes

Added IconName type to iconNames export


Minor changes

Added static SVG sprite sheet file


Minor changes

Added "static" version of the animated icons:

  • loading-static
  • running-static

Added new set of icons for Google services:

  • google-docs
  • google-forms
  • google-slides
  • google-sheets
  • google-drive


Minor changes

Added Vault Secrets icon.


Minor changes

Added Vercel and Jira icons

Added twitter-x icon, and older twitter icon. Also the aws-cdk and jfrog icons.


Minor changes

Added new clipboard-x icon


Minor changes

Added elastic-observability and new-relic icons

Read the full changelog

npm package: @hashicorp/ember-flight-icons npm version


Patch changes

🔄 Updated dependencies:

  • @hashicorp/flight-icons@3.5.0


Patch changes

This version is a re-release of @hashicorp/ember-flight-icons@5.1.0 containing the missing dist


🚨 Caution: This version has been deprecated 🚨


🚨 Caution: This version has been deprecated 🚨

Minor changes

FlightIcon - converted component to TypeScript and published types

Patch changes

🔄 Updated dependencies:

  • @hashicorp/flight-icons@3.4.0


Patch changes

🔄 Updated dependencies:

  • @hashicorp/flight-icons@3.3.0


Patch changes

FlightIcon component - Removed initial whitespace (newline) from template

🔄 Updated dependencies:

  • @hashicorp/flight-icons@3.2.0


Patch changes

🔄 Updated dependencies:

  • @hashicorp/flight-icons@3.1.0


Major changes

Converted Ember packages to v2 addon format.

To migrate update Sass configuration in ember-cli-build.js to include the paths for ember-flight-icons and design-system-components:

sassOptions: {
  precision: 4,
  includePaths: [

Alternatively, you can import the CSS by adding this configuration in ember-cli-build.js.



Minor changes

Since this is an update brand colors and product icons, we consider this a minor version release

Improved resilience of SVG sprite loading script

🔄 Updated dependencies:

  • @hashicorp/flight-icons@3.0.0


Patch changes

remove unused contextRootURL function

🔄 Updated dependencies:

  • @hashicorp/flight-icons@2.25.0


Patch changes

🔄 Updated dependencies:

  • @hashicorp/flight-icons@2.24.0


Patch changes

When lazyEmbed is true, use dynamic import() to bundle the sprite separately

🔄 Updated dependencies:

  • @hashicorp/flight-icons@2.23.0


Patch changes

🔄 Updated dependencies:

  • @hashicorp/flight-icons@2.22.0


Patch changes

Upgraded the following dependencies:

  • ember-cli-babel from 7.26.11 to 8.2.0

Upgraded the following dependencies:

  • ember-cli-htmlbars from 6.2.0 to 6.3.0

🔄 Updated dependencies:

  • @hashicorp/flight-icons@2.21.0


Patch changes

Added missing dependency on ember-get-config


Major changes

Drop support for Node 14


Patch changes

🔄 Updated dependencies:

  • @hashicorp/flight-icons@2.20.0


Patch changes

🔄 Updated dependencies:

  • @hashicorp/flight-icons@2.19.0


Patch changes

🔄 Updated dependencies:

  • @hashicorp/flight-icons@2.18.0


Minor changes

Added opt in flag to allow consumers to move sprite loading out of index.html

Read the full changelog

Components library

Figma library: HDS Components UI Kit v2.0

March 5th, 2025

CodeEditor - Added support for Javascript and Rego languages.

Badge - Updated colors for improved contrast and accessibility.

Tag - Updated to support truncation and tooltip. Content no longer wraps.

Advanced Table - Removed an unnecessary border from Header::Selection.

Breaking changes

Advanced Table - Restructured Cell::Selection to mimic the Table::Cell::Selection component.

This change alters the layer structure of the component and results in a breaking change for the Advanced Table cell "selection" components only.

January 23rd, 2025

Advanced Table - Added new component.

CodeEditor - Added new component.

Table - Added column borders.

December 20th, 2024

IconTile - Removed the border and updated the colors for improved contrast and to create a distinctive look that aligns better with the surrounding elements.

SideNav - No longer deprecated due to adjustments in prioritization.

Figma v2.0 Components

  • Deprecated HDS Components UI Kit v1.0. It will no longer receive updates or support.
  • Released HDS components UI Kit v2.0.

In many cases, replacing v1.0 library components with the components in the Figma v2.0 Library will result in breaking changes. For a comprehensive list of how these changes will impact your designs, refer to the changelog document.

General changes
  • Improved consistency in component naming conventions
  • Enhanced property panel customization options
  • Reduced variant complexity through boolean properties
  • Added local tokens for custom styling (hidden from publishing)
  • Standardized nested component structure
Component organization updates
  • Standardized naming conventions, nested structures, and boolean property usage to reduce complexity.
  • Updated organization with "Form /" prefixes and DialogPrimitive as the base for modal components.
  • Introduced [Template] components for common combinations.
  • Improved nested component accessibility for easier customization.

August 2nd, 2024

AppHeader - Added a new navigation component to contain global and utility navigation elements.

AppSideNav - Added a new component that shares features and functionality with the legacy SideNav.

Application Template - Added a template component that provides a consistent starting point for the UI chrome.

SideNav - Deprecated the legacy navigation component. It will be removed from the library once adoption of the AppHeader and AppSideNav is complete.

Breaking changes

ApplicationState - multiple enhancements including:

  • Added support for a media slot above the title.
  • Added an alignment property which can be set at the root level to left or center.
  • The footer now supports up to three actions at once. The actions are now organized in accordance with our Button Organization pattern.
  • Updated several visual styles including:
    • Removing the divider
    • Reducing the title from Display/400/Bold to Display/300/Bold
    • Changing the icon and the title color from Foreground/Faint to Foreground/Strong
    • Changing the body text color from Foreground/Faint to Foreground/Primary

Adding support for three actions within the ApplicationState results in a breaking change to the previous actions. Before updating the library, we recommend annotating the text and icon name (with a comment or otherwise) in files that are in progress or still being referenced by engineering.

February 27th, 2024

Breaking changes

Alert and Toast - Updated the StandaloneLink to the secondary variant from the primary variant to align with our documented usage recommendations.

Updating the StandaloneLink to the secondary variant will revert any changes you've made to the text and leading icon properties. Prior to updating the library we recommend annotating (with a comment or otherwise) work that is in progress or is still being referenced by engineering with the intended text and icon variant.

Table - multiple enhancements to the Table components including:

  • Added support for multi-selection with Header Column / Selection and Cell / Selection.
  • Added support for a Tooltip in the Header Column component.
  • Updated the visual language of the sort button in Header Column by decoupling the sort functionality into a nested Sort Button

Adding support for a Tooltip and updates to the Sort Button result in a breaking change in sortable variants. While the Label in the Header Column should persist, we recommend annotating (with a comment or otherwise) work that is in-progress or still being referenced by engineering with the columns that are intended to be sortable.

January 24th, 2024

IconTile - Added Vault Radar logo.

November 6th, 2023

CodeBlock - Added new component.

November 3rd, 2023

Breadcrumb - Updated the number of breadcrumb / _items to the component.

October 23rd, 2023

Button - Updated icon only button variants to be square to match the ToggleIcon.

Dropdown / ToggleIcon - Fixed the small variant so that it’s the correct size (28px height) to match the other small Buttons and ToggleButton.

September 15th, 2023

IconTile and IconTile-Logo - Added a new product variant for Vault Secrets.

August 17th, 2023

SideNav - Changed the icon from User to Help in the first dropdown at the top of the SideNav.

Read the full changelog

Foundations library

Figma library: HDS Foundations UI Kit v2.0

December 20th, 2024

  • Deprecated HDS Foundations UI Kit v1.0. It will no longer receive updates or support.
  • Released HDS Foundations UI Kit v2.0.

Migrating Figma designs from the v1.0 library to the v2.0 library mainly requires replacing Figma Styles with Variables and is considered a breaking change. A comprehensive list of how these changes will impact your designs can be found in the changelog document.

November 2nd, 2023

Elevation / Mid - Fixed style not being correctly published to consuming libraries.

October 31st, 2023

Components / Code Block / Code / 200 - Added component-specific text style for the CodeBlock.

October 20th, 2023

Components / Code Block / Syntax - Added syntax highlighting styles used by the CodeBlock component.

Read the full changelog

Patterns library

Figma library: HDS Patterns UI Kit

December 20th, 2024

Released HDS Patterns UI Kit v2.0.

Read the full changelog

Utility libraries

Figma library: Utility libraries

September 25th, 2024

Released HDS Utilities UI Kit

September 12th, 2024

Released HDS Wireframes UI Kit

August 30th, 2024

Released HDS A11y Helper Annotations Kit

Read the full changelog